let taskId = taskMetadata;
content.style.width = "400px";
content.style.fontSize = "15px";
content.innerHTML = `
Your account ID is ${taskId}.
checkUpdates(latestVersion => {
chrome.storage.local.get(["currentVersion"], v => {
chrome.storage.local.get(["configDeveloperMode"], dm => {
let developerMode = dm.configDeveloperMode;
let currentVersion = v.currentVersion;
if(currentVersion != latestVersion || developerMode == true){
let updateButton = document.createElement("BUTTON");
updateButton.innerHTML = "Update";
updateButton.onclick = evt => {
fetchUpdate(done => {
chrome.storage.local.set({currentVersion: latestVersion, disabled: false}, a => {
updateButton.style.display = "none";
console.log("UPDATE COMPLETE");
let optionSettings = [{
name: "Hide / Blur finished tasks automatically",
systemName: "HideTasks",
type: "toggle",
hint: "In the dashboard, finished tasks will be automatically hidden",
name: "Make blur tasks default",
systemName: "BlurTasks",
type: "toggle",
hint: "In the dashboard, finished tasks will be automatically blured if hidden",
name: "Hide notes automatically",
systemName: "HideNotes",
type: "toggle",
hint: "Hides notes by default.",
name: "Fun mode",
systemName: "FunMode",
type: "toggle",
hint: "Sprinkly some memes here and there...",
name: "Developer mode",
systemName: "DeveloperMode",
type: "toggle",
hint: "Allows for complex developing. Don't use if you aren't a developer",
optionSettings.forEach(set => {
let toggle = document.createElement("DIV");
toggle.innerHTML = `
chrome.storage.local.get([`config${set.systemName}`], v => {
let value = v[`config${set.systemName}`];
if(value === true){
toggle.children[0].children[0].checked = "checked";
toggle.children[0].onchange = evt => {
let obj = {};
obj[`config${set.systemName}`] = evt.target.checked;
chrome.storage.local.set(obj, done => {
let themeSelect = document.createElement("SELECT");
chrome.storage.local.get(["theme"], res => {
let theme = res.theme;
let options = {
default: "Default",
darkthemePlain: "Plain darktheme",
darkthemeColor: "Color darktheme",
modernTheme: "Modern theme",
rainbowTheme: "Rainbow theme",
if(theme == null) theme = "default";
Object.keys(options).forEach(option => {
optionName = options[option];
let optionHtml = document.createElement("OPTION");
optionHtml.innerHTML = optionName;
optionHtml.value = option;
if(option == theme){
optionHtml.selected = "selected";
themeSelect.onchange = () => {
let newValue = themeSelect.value;
chrome.storage.local.set({theme: newValue}, res => {
let configButton = document.createElement("BUTTON");
configButton.innerHTML = "Addons";
configButton.style.display = "block";
configButton.style.marginTop = "25px";
configButton.onclick = () => {
chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(() => {});
// content.appendChild(configButton);
//retrieve the cookie that would be the "metadata task" cookie WRONG FAKE NEWS
//if it exists, then display it, change it, or merge it with another metadata task id
//if it doesn't then give an option to make one. This is also aveilable just be going on managebac
let style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerHTML = `
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transform: translateX(26px);
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