This is the community page. (Not endorsed by Managebac)

You can browse latest school news and add your posts aswell. Posts to be added can range from raising awearness or a survey to anything you want!

If you would like to put something here, Contact Your petition will most likely be accepted.

There are Infinity seconds left until summer vacations.

Go to the pixelboard!

abril says "me quiero ir a casa". Add your own phrase here

The community button has been pressed 6133657 times.

1. Ariaman (1213901 presses)
2. Xia (1081370 presses)
3. Josu (628102 presses)
4. Rodrigo (595814 presses)
5. Mateo (236767 presses)
6. Antonio (220839 presses)
7. Pablo (211562 presses)
8. Enrique (205504 presses)
9. Leo (129107 presses)
10. Jonah (121921 presses)
11. Pelayo (117013 presses)
12. (94000 presses)
13. Jorge (74133 presses)
14. Saul (71677 presses)
15. Samuel-elias (69420 presses)

Added on 22nd of March
How the turntables

Added on 8th of June
#PraiseLordPeete #PraiseLordSchmeckles
Added on 18th of January
Join the ManageBac subreddit!
There is a new Managebac subredit!

Join below!
Added on 18th of January by Annonymus
Managebac plus endorses the image below
Added on 20th of December
Please do this survey when you can.

or use the link
Added on 19th of December
Managebac Plus reaches 200 users!
Managebac Plus reached 200 users
Added on 17th of December
Managebac Plus reaches 100 users!
Managebac Plus reached 100 users.
Added on 15th of December by Thomas
Community Jokes
Why did Billy get fired from the calendar Factory?
Cuz he took a day off!

What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy?
I don’t know and I don’t care!

The world tounge-twister champion just got arrested. I hear they’re gonna give him a really tough sentence!
Added on 14th of December by Enrique
What is a better name?
What is a better name ***** or Ronny?
Added on 14th of December by Sebas
I'm thinking

How many people see this?
Added on 13th of December
Youtube Rewind officially becomes the world's most disliked youtube video
Youtube Rewind passed Justin Bieber's "baby", at 9.8 million dislikes.

The number of dislikes has reached 11 million at this time.
Added on 11th of December, by Annonymus
Subscribe to pewdiepie
Subscribe to pewdiepie and do you part.

If you subscribe to pewdiepie you get a free donut.
Added on 3rd of December, by Manu
Forty Two
Forty Two is the question to the answer to life, the universe and everything.

It explains all and it is explained by all. The answer is still unknown.
Added on 23rd of November
World Teacher's day
Did you know that in Spain, the 27th of November 2018, will be World Teacher's Day?
Added on 14th of November
Staff Appreciation Day
Staff Appreciation Day is approaching! This is a way of showing the school staff how much we appreciate everything they do.
- When? Next Wednesday, November 21.
- How? Please bring something tasty to school for the staff to enjoy. It can be something sweet (cakes, chocolates...), savoury (tortilla, cheese...), fruit, something to drink...whatever you prefer!
- Where? You can take the goodies directly to the Secondary staff room (on the first floor in the “old” building), or leave it with the G11 class reps in the cafeteria (directly after drop off in the morning), and we will take it to the staff room.

It’s a good idea to use disposable plates or trays, so you don’t have to go and fetch your stuff in the staff room in the afternoon!

Thanks a lot for your cooperation! We’re hoping for many delicious contributions .... they deserve it!!
Added on 7th of November
Library databases (Britannica)
We are pleased to inform you that we have lately purchased the Britannica Schools and the Britannica Image Quest databases for the primary and secondary libraries.
The most acclaimed information resource trusted worldwide!
Britannica Schools offers three unique interfaces with thousands of curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps and editor-recommended websites. These three separate databases make Britannica School the go-to site for research for students at all levels.
Britannica Image Quest: brings lesson plans, assignments, and projects to life with over three million images from 60 leading collections…and growing! The Bridgeman Art Gallery, Getty Images, Ingram Publishing, the National Geographic Society, and other trusted image sources have joined with Britannica to provide the best and broadest offering of curriculum-relevant imagery and clip art materials (infographics, signs and symbols, graphic concepts, and cool vector illustrations).
The information in Britannica Schools is updated daily with new articles and multimedia elements curated by the world´s leading content and editorial experts.

ICS students up to grade 8 have a direct access to Britannica School and Britannica Image Quest through an application on their IPADS.
All other students/teachers /parents should log in with this link and for the Britannica Image Quest
The log in password is: icsmadrid

We invite you to explore and use this wonderful products.

For more Databases and tools that we are offering our students:
- Log on to ManageBac ,
- Go to Groups
- Go to Secondary library, on the right side you will find all the direct links for our databases, online magazines and ebooks.
Added on 4th of November
World Children's Day!
On the 20th of November 2018, it is World Children’s Day, all about the empowerment of children, international togetherness and awareness, and overall improvement of children’s welfare. As the student council, we want to spread word amongst you, that quality education is vital and that we, as an ICS community, have many priorities and privileges that other children globally do not have.

Therefore, we are selling T-Shirts,(specially designed for this day by tow 5th grade students) for 10 Euros each, which we will all wear on the 20th, to show our stance on this issue and to prove our awareness. 5 Euros of the proceeds will go to people effected by the Palu Tsunami in Indonesia, and 5 Euros will go to the SC for the production of shirts.

If we want to have the T shirts in time we must have all orders not later than Wednesday the 7th.

To pre-order, please complete the survey found through this link!
Perhaps, if you don’t order a shirt, you can wear blue and green – the colours of our earth.

ManageBac plus source-code is now officially available to view.